The First Winter School for Scientific Computation

We are pleased to announce this Winter School to be held beginning at 9AM Central Time on 19 December 2013.


The goal of this Winter School will be to assist those who sign up in developing a scientific application using Mathematica. To that end we will be providing, to those who register by Monday, 16 December 2013, a Raspberry Pie computer with a free Mathematica license. You will find links to setting this up and running Mathematica on it below.


Here are the registration and payment options:


In either case, registration allows you to participate in the School. You will receive the slide show as both a Mathematica notebook, and as pdfs. You can also have your project featured in a hardbound edition of the School Proceedings that will be published in the future.

The school will be held via Skype and TeamViewer. You will need to have these software available. Instructions will be given upon confirmed registration.

School Schedule

Here is the schedule

Period Session Name Session Instructor
9 AM-10:30 AM Introduction to Mathematica Dianna Hrabovsky
11 AM - 12:30 PM Visualization in Mathematica James Firmiss
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Mathematica Programming George Hrabovsky
3:30 PM- 5:00 PM Dynamic Interfacing with Mathematica Rocky Wenz

Each session will have at least a half hour gap to work on individual projects.

Setting Up the Raspberry Pie

Here is a detailed tutorial written by Dianna Hrabovsky.


Further Information and Contact Information

Inquiries may be made via telepone or email:


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