Military Science


The scientific study of military operations, procedures, and engagements.



  1. Aerial warfare.
  2. Military history.
  3. Military organizations.
  4. Naval warfare.
  5. Terrain analysis.
  6. Squad tactics.
  7. Wargaming.


  1. Acoustics
  2. Aerodynamics.
  3. Combat patrols.
  4. Convoy operations.
  5. Defense.
  6. Fluid dynamics.
  7. Intelligence.
  8. Naval tactics.
  9. Offense.
  10. Operations research.
  11. Performance of flight vehicles.
  12. Raiding.
  13. Reconnaisance patrols.
  14. Ship performance.
  15. Urban warfare.


  1. Aerospace structures.
  2. Air operations.
  3. Antisubmarine warfare.
  4. Astrodynamics.
  5. Boundary layer flow.
  6. Combined arms operations.
  7. Communications.
  8. Company tactics.
  9. Comparative military systems.
  10. Counterintelligence.
  11. External compressible flow.
  12. Gas dynamics.
  13. Group dynamics.
  14. Leadership.
  15. Lifting surface theories.
  16. Linearized flow methods.
  17. Logistics.
  18. Low-intensity conflict.
  19. Naval surface warfare.
  20. Platoon tactics.
  21. Potential flow.
  22. Probabilistic models.
  23. Shockwaves.
  24. Small perturbation methods.
  25. Submarine warfare.
  26. Theories of war.
  27. Thin airfoil theory.
  28. Underwater acoustics.
  29. Weapons systems.
  30. Wind tunnels.
  31. Viscous flow.


  1. Airborne warfare.
  2. Amphibious warfare.
  3. Battalion tactics.
  4. Campaign planning.
  5. Counterinsurgency.
  6. Counterterrorism.
  7. Dynamical systems.
  8. Generalship.
  9. Homeland security.
  10. Information warfare.
  11. Insurgency.
  12. Legal aspects of war.
  13. Military strategy.
  14. Peacekeeping.
  15. Radar.
  16. SONAR.
  17. Special operations.
  18. Terrorism.
  19. Weapons of mass destruction.

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