Asteroids Project

The purpose of this project is to gain background information on asteroids and their formation.

Project 1

Prepare a chart describing what an asteroid is. Include a short paper to accompany the chart.

Project 2

Prepare a chart explaining some general characteristics of asteroids. Include a short paper to accompany the chart.

Project 3

Prepare a chart describing the origins of asteroids. Include a short paper to accompany the chart.

Project 4

Prepare a chart describing the orbits of asteroids. Include a short paper to accompany the chart.

Project 5

Prepare a chart describing the effects of asteroid impacts. Include a short paper to accompany the chart.

Project 6

Prepare an exhibit describing what an asteroid is and their fundamental properties. Include a short paper to accompany the exhibit.

Project 7

Prepare an exhibit describing asteroid origin and evolution. Include a short paper to accompany the exhibit.

Project 8

Prepare an exhibit describing asteroid orbits. Include a short paper to accompany the exhibit.

Project 9

Prepare an exhibit describing the effects of asteroid impacts. Include a short paper to accompany the exhibit.

Project 10

Collect asteroid images. Write a short description of each along with how you obtained it.

Project 11

Collect asteroid fragments. Write a short description of each along with how you obtained it.

Project 12

CRITICAL PROJECT! Search for asteroids using a telescope or by analyzing existing data. Keep a log of your search efforts. Should you find an asteroid, note its position in the sky. You can learn how to report it at this web site: where you can also search the existing asteroids to see if your asteroid is new.

Project 13

Build an asteroid observatory. This could be as little as a telescope, a CCD camera, and a laptop computer.

Project 14

Measure the orbital elements of asteroids and use software tools to project their orbits. Write a paper about how you develop the ortbits.

Project 15

Measure the reflected spectra of asteroids to determine their surface chemical composition. Compare your results with existing models of asteroid formation. Write a paper describing your results.

Project 16

Make a model of asteroid formation. Use your model to make predictions that can be verified either experimentaly or observationally. Write a paper describing your model and its results.

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